Chinese Hard Drive Karaoke Player

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合家歡HD高畫質(兩 顆硬碟, 6TB )卡拉OK伴唱機  BM-3000 2014 The Newest and the BEST !!
Best Media BM-3000 Dual HDD Karaoke Player with 73,000 songs
free 2 wireless microphones

$1329.00( free shipping in Continental USA )
BM-3000 with 73,000 songs + BM-100 dual wireless microphone system

BESTMEDIA BM-3000 Chinese karaoek player  + BESTMEDIA BM-100 VHF Wireless Mic system

 Control with iPad/Android                  
APP Interface( iPad/Android)

19" Touch Screen Remote with Stand ( Optional item at $479)

$479.00.  19 inch Touch Screen Remote with Stand

合家歡BM-3000 高畫質卡拉OK伴唱機

最完整的歌庫, 更大的容量
內建兩 顆硬碟 3TB x 2= 6TB (附註: 第二顆硬碟為內建可抽取式)

         第1顆硬碟含大 容量國語 ( 43000 Mandarin songs included), 第 二顆硬碟含8700台語, 10700粵語, 6500英文, 2500日文, 1500 Koran 以及兒歌 

         精心編輯中國大陸,港, 台三地歌曲, 從經典老歌和到最夯流行樂曲, 由BM-3000呈現給您最完整的歌庫
         極致的影音視覺效果, HDMI Full 1080P高清影像輸出 (可搭配19”觸摸屏達到雙高清輸出)


19吋立地式觸摸屏(可選購黑色或紅色) , 點歌更輕鬆找歌更快速, 讓家變成KTV! (選購配備, 可額外購買)
         支援手寫找歌, 簡繁通用
         支援拼音找歌, 字部找歌, 語別找歌, 歌星找歌, 排行榜找歌
         可雙螢幕預覽歌曲, 具備歌手大頭照顯示
         支援逆向找歌 可從某歌曲的演唱歌手反向搜尋此歌手所有的歌
         觸摸屏為標準mountable螢幕, 可選擇原廠腳架或自行搭配3rd Party Stand

iPad/ Android, 平板/手機點歌 (每台BM-3000皆支援, 請自備平板或手機) 
         透過簡易的網路IP設定, 將 iPad 平版 或 Android 手機變成掌上點歌器 (App 可經由本公司網站下載取得)
         可選購Wifi Extender將機器轉成WiFi來提供連線; 若無Wifi extender則需連結一條網路線至Router
         手機或平板點歌不限於一個裝置, 可同時連多支手機或平板; 也可同時支援 19”觸摸屏
         手機或平板可即時同步歌庫, 不論剛加了新歌或是在機器上刪除了歌曲, 立馬同步顯示在App內

         可支援 MP4, MKV, WMV, MPEG2, VOB, MP3 的錄製 
         輕鬆自行新增, 刪除曲目, 打造一個專屬於您個人擁有的獨家歌庫
         本公司定期發行補歌光碟(可來電選購); 補歌光碟需經由電腦轉入USB隨身碟後進行補歌

         99首公播清單可自行設定, 不點歌也能聆聽享受您個人專屬的愛好歌曲
         延續Best Media 世代最受人喜愛的使用者介面和遙控器, 方便容易好上手
         多重的 “我的最愛” 可供親朋好友設定各自的 “最愛歌曲”, 查找方便
         支援多語系介面, 可選擇簡中, 繁中和英文介面
         附高品質皮質點歌本 (每顆硬碟附一本點歌簿, 如需額外的數目請增購)

Package Includes: 
BM-3000 Dual HDD karaoke player with 73000 songs (
43000 Mandarin songs, 8700 台語, 10700粵語, 6500英文, 2500日文, 1500 Koran 以及兒歌 )
Traditional Remote Control
Audio/Video RCA Cable
User's Manual
BM-100 Dual Wireless Mic System

Best Media BM-3000 is finally released to the market with the extreme large storage of serving up to 6.0 TB. With this large size of storage, you will have a huge library of song selection, and up to 70,000 high quality songs. For your convenience, this player is designed with an HDD removable case, so you can easily access and swap another hard drive of your choice. Moreover, the unique interface can help you to select songs by artist, category, or language just in a few clicks. Furthermore, you can use your iPad and Android Tablet as the controller to search for songs. And if tablet control is not enough, you can upgrade to a 19 Inch Touch Screen to make your home karaoke system into a real KTV system.

Thus, BM-3000 Karaoke System is not only suitable for KTV Room, but also can served as home-based private KTV system. You can enjoy singing karaoke at home with your beloved family and friends just as you are in the KTV room. In addition, you can also showcase your favorite movie, TV show, or short video during home party or special event by recording your music into the HDD through USB.


Built-in 3.0 TB Hard Drive
Support 2 HDD, up to 6.0 TB, extreme large storage
Up to 70,000 high quality songs with 80% original KTV
Designed with easily removable HD case
Support HD Full 1080p HDMI for both Audio and Video output
Quickly add songs into HDD through USB
Multi song Language includes: Mandarin, Cantonese, Taiwanese, Vietnamese, Japanese, English, Kejia and Korean
Multi way of song selection: search by song number, artist’s name, song’s title, and song’s categories
Select songs and controlled using iPad/Android (app available on our website)
Multi Language Interface: English, Traditional Chinese, Simplified Chinese, and Vietnamese
Compatible with 19 Inch Touch Screen (optional item, purchase separately)


Dimension: 17” L x 11.1” W x 2.7” H
Power Supply: 100V~240V
Weight: 8.2 lbs (3.7 kg)
Frequency Response: 20Hz~20KHz
Audio Output: HDMI, AV (Composit), Optical, Coaxial
Video Output: HDMI, AV (Composit)
Ethernet Network Interface x 1
USB 2.0 Port x 1
Microphone Output x 3
VGA Output: RGB, Monitor
One Year Manufacturer Warranty

Support Media Format:

Audio: MP3/LRC, AC3, AAC, WMA
Video: MPEG1, MPEG2, MPEG4, Xvid, AVI, MKV, H.264
